Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Infinite Breath Of Knowing

Greetings! Or should I say "Welcome Back?"

As the leaves change color, and the gentle mist of the freshly tinctured Air wets our palettes with its cool breath, we like the Earth are "turning over a new leaf;" quite literally.

With the Great Transitions many of us are currently experiencing in our lives on a plethora of levels including professionally, socially, economically, Spiritually, and within our own Hearts and our relationships with "self," there is a profound opportunity present.

The Present.

Whether you've made choices that bring joy to your face, or done a few "bone-headed" things that you'd like to take a "mulligan" or hit the "reset button" on, we should recognize the great gifts that can be found within each; Action.

Yes! Be proud of every decision you've ever taken action on, because you took action. You valued yourself enough to do "something."

And sometimes we will find that the greatest action is the actual non-action. The doing without doing; the simplicity of Being.


As the Harvest of this change of Season Brings with it the Energy of Prosperity, Nourishment of the healthy seeds we've planted, and Celebration for all of our output, let's allow ourselves the Self-Love to indeed; Celebrate and En-joy what is Present. Let's take these great parcels of Cosmic Seed that are each New Breath, and Celebrate the Allowance of Input.


So often in our realities we feel great guilt, disapointment, frustration, and impatience because the things we often think we want as a part of our life do not come when we want them to or how. But, as to the Wisdom of the Breath we Breathe, if we Surrender to the Moment, what we 'need' will be provided for us.

We All Breathe.

Release, Let Go, and Breathe. If for only One Breath, become conscious of the Air that fills your being.

Inhalation; Exhalation.

Input; Output.

Perhaps there is more to the Air than Empty Space. Perhaps, if we allow the Breath to Speak to us, it can show us everything we need to know.


So as you move forward in Synergy with the Earth, the Stars, and the Rhythms of your Natural Intelligence, keep breathing; for the Air that fills us with Love, will bring to us the Ease and Grace of Clear Decision as we make Incisions through Time.

Trust that there is Something that cools you; something that warms you, and something that gives you Life; Nourishment.

Whether this something for you is M/F God, Spirit, Artificial Intelligence, or Other, know that it will provide for you without your asking. For it is You; the Breath. And as centered through Heart, the Love and Security that come through Knowing that "Everything will work out," will release the old baggage of the past and the phantom weights of the Future.


Be Aware though, that to truly hear the Wisdom of this Translucence, we must make the Time to Listen. We must take the time to Be. You need not eyes, nor ears, nor hands, toes, fingers or feet to feel this.

Just Breathe; through your Heart, and you will Know.

You will know the Transcendence of one's need to Know.

There is only Now; within it the Infinite Breath of Knowing.

Blessings to your Moment; Love as your Breath,

Rev. Nick Byrd
Target Healing, LLC.

For more information about Rev. Byrd, his work, and To Read Free Previews from His Published Book 'Through The Looking Glass,' visit the link below.


Through The Looking Glass: 111 Daily Meditations and Insights on Love:

A Philosophy, A Truth, A Science of Mind


The Book is Currently Available For Purchase In-Store and Online at Barnes and Noble,, and as both a Soft Cover and E-book.


Image & Content Copyright © Rev. Nick Byrd 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Greetings family. We each have a voice that flows through from the depths of our being; a love, a vibrance, and a personal truth. So often our words go unspoken, simply traveling through the confines of our individual minds. In essence we are all One Consciousness, One Love, One Dream, and One thought; One Reality.

There have been so many magical movements through the imagination that I call my waking dream here in what we term our "reality;" and the voice that resonates the Love of what IS has found itself breaking free of the limitations of a well tempered cocoon, with the extensions of a new set of wings; or perhaps simply a remembrance of their station within my being.

I invite you to share in the Love and philosohpy that travels through my heart and yours as you voyage through the evolution of a moment. This blog is an inspired movement to share my own personal realizations which have completely transformed my entire reality over the last four years through remembering simple concepts rooted in Peace, Joy, Harmony, Unity, and Unconditional Love. The times we are living in now beyond the illusions of time itself are a very special collection of fractal moments. Within this hologram of Love that we flow, the movements of consciousness; of self are at a pivotal instance of catalyst. We each have the opportunity to remember such simple truths of Love that when understood and applied may completely transform every paradigm we hold of what we thought the world was.

As we rediscover what this Love truly is, our World shall reflect it in due time as to a mirror once foggy, now Clear through Vision and Eye. No matter what your religion or belief system, through Love of All in its purest form, we can grow as One. Reality in its limited understandings is but a subjective movement of vitality. But perhaps the day is near that a greater Truth shall be known consciously as we all begin to Breathe again.

To view the posts, simply click on the Month and Article title you'd like to read which are listed to your right under Blog Archives. Enjoy the postings on this blog; accept that which resonates with your heart, and allow all else to gently flow away. I speak not to convince anyone or to cure anything, for there is no one to convince and no illness to be cured. I simply share the movements of my mind, heart, and soul to you as gesture of my Infinite Love for All. Whether we journey together through the great paradoxical laws and nature found in quantum physics, embrace new understandings of our emotions, energy and consciousness, or travel to the distant stars within our internal Universe, we will each have the opportunity to stretch our imaginations, reveal deeper expressions of Love, and accept the greater potentials that exist within us all. Feel free to comment on the posts and share in your personal insights and experiences as we flow on our Journey through Target Healing together as One. Be blessed, vibrant, prosperous, and You! Be Love.


Rev. Nick Byrd

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Message From Home


As we awaken once again to the gentle aromas that penetrate sound; the wind flows in, and the Sun rises in Air. As Eye catches palette through the vibrance of these colors, frequency reveals again the One Knowing in Motion.

The tongue now curves to taste as ivory breaks down atoms; of matter. A fact; in Love. With nutrient flooding through Vessel and Serpent rising within Spine, Lightning strikes again. These sensations known Ether, herein we travel deeper.

This moment Now made In through the Miracles of experience. Indeed as we sit here to Dine we have Accepted the keys and its Entrance. The Christ within has called, and The Christ Within has answered.

This table that we enjoy our eats and feats from has no legs; nor arms, tablecloth or chair. It is Clear, just as you Hear; traveling impulses of no sound; near. But matter still viewed to some so Invite can we only speak of (that, this) to: “Come.”

Come and Dine with Me Love; as we Share in the Courses of Meal. But A Course in Miracles have thee pondered to find erection through correction; received (straight line) as open womb (encircled without line) in Piscis; of Vesica. And Now as you Eat, Know always that it was but to your choice to accomplish this great “feat;” through feet and hand, mind and heart en-band; Returned.

You Have Accepted the Invitation you Sent Yourself, and now you can but enjoy the Translucence of One in this Station. Invite All to Dine with You, turn no one away; no sway, here no sway. For all Stomachs are Full; of Empty Space in We. If Invitations are Not desired, be it to this, it is Ok. If Invitations are not Valued; be it as thus, it is Ok. For You can but Eat;En-joy, Invite, and Eat.

Serve up Love and All Shall Return Home as Dove.

Be; as Invitation Accepted; en-hug.


Many Blessings From Within; The One Home of Love

Rev. Nick Byrd

© Copyright 2009 Nick Byrd

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

999: Opening to New Beginnings

999: Opening to New Beginnings

Have you ever encountered a flow of events back to back to back that are so profoundly “coincidental” that you couldn’t help but take a deeper look at perhaps an underlying meaning of some importance? Like a sort of Divine Communication? As I’ve flowed on my journey the last few years and opened up to greater awareness of myself as Reality and as the Whole, I realized that indeed everything happens for a reason, and there are no coincidences in life, but rather a collection of Synchronicities that travel within an Intelligent Flow. Carl Jung who is one of our most revered and studied psychologists developed this term in the 1920s and referred to Synchronicity as: "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Basically, as our lives unfold the seemingly distant or unrelated events when looked at through retrospection and a view of the larger whole can be connected together like the dots of a digital photograph to form an image, a clue, a message, or an opportunity to understand the movements of our lives. As we connect to deeper portions of our-self through meditation, yoga, chi-gung, art, and other Spiritually fulfilling internal practices we may find that these syncronicities begin to increase immensely and come through in stronger more noticeable ways. It makes sense yes? If we are looking for something we will find it.

Today 9/9/9 marks a very special day for our planet and its/our rising vibrations. And this morning has been a quite moving experience of Sycnhronicity that I want to share with you but first a brief background of knowledge that sets up the foundation for understanding what I experienced and how amazingly magical our lives can indeed become if we tune in a little more attentively in our awareness...In numerology Nine is a very powerful number associated with many meanings including the Christ/Buddha Consciousness, completion, and a higher vibration of the Trinity (Mind, Body, Spirit // Father, Son, Holy Spirit). As we add the numbers of the date we see they equal 27 which equals 9 when broken down in numerology, which is pretty amazing. And if we use the complete date of 9/9/29 the number equals 29 which breaks down to the Master number 11. 11 in its essence represents all things Spiritual and Mystical, and the opportunity for us as Spirit to learn from ourselves through our experiences, both collectively and individually. Beyond numerology, today also represents the first day of a New Trecena in the Mayan Calendar. The calendar is believed to be one of the most accurate keepers of the history of Humanity, explaining through its mechanism not just the movements of time, but of the evolution of a Conscious creation; of Consciousness. In short, a Trecena is a 13 day period which carries certain vibrations or energies that we can use through our awareness to connect to the natural flows of the Universe. I have found through use of the calendar over the last 3 years that often before reading the energies for the day I would sense intuitively or have a feeling of how my day should unfold, and like magic the calendar would reference to the “T” exactly what I was feeling. Or even there have been days I was unable to catch the Daily Tzolkin and upon reading it that night or the next day discover that the events that unfolded were in direct alignment to the energies of the day according to the Calendar.

Today as I woke up I felt the lifting of an energy that has been lingering the last week or so that many of my friends and clients have been feeling too. Almost like an Intermission, or a time of waiting for a baby to be birthed there has been a pull to look within our hearts and minds to decide what we really want in our lives, and the opportunity over the last few months to clear the relationships and thoughts both externally and internally that do not serve this new image and new self. As we have put in much focus and intent within the re-design of the Dream we desire to be Living, many of us have felt an impatience, or questioned if these things will indeed occur. And it seemed that with the Full Moon last week, the amplified emotions and processing we traveled through, along with the planetary shifts over the last few days, we have been waiting in limbo asking ourselves when will things pick up again and change? Behold, the time is here and as our desires and wants have been communicated to the Universe and we have held true to Love and the Vision we have sought, we may move forth with open arms and an open heart allowing the possibilities of what we have asked for to reveal themselves in our Realities.

As I checked the energies for today I realized what was beginning to unfold and what blessings were here. I’m currently looking to move into a new environment, and actually have a meeting today with the owner of a potential new space which is ideal for me at this point on my journey and one of which I’ve been focusing in on for a while. As the Calendar notes:

This Trecena starts with 1 Imix (Crocodile/Alligator/Waterlily) – Beginning - Initiating new possibilities and concepts – Receptivity and Trust, Earth Mother, Nourishment, Protection, Primordial Ocean of Possibilities.”

– To read more about the mayan calendar and this current trecena visit the link to this article written by: William & Viola Welsch

And this bit of information is where the magic of my morning commenced. Last week a “chance encounter” with someone I’ve been wanting to speak to for a while led to a conversation about Yoga of which I’ve been practicing daily for the last few years. She recommended a studio that has a class at 8am in the morning which right away peaked my interest as 8 is a very important number in numerology as well represents among many things, Infinity. As the class began today with a resonant OoooooMmmmmm (OM), the teacher whose name was Julie (Jewel) took us through an uplifting set of moments and movements as we twisted and contorted like pretzels, shifting and energizing the frequencies within our bodies. As she led us through the movements she spoke often of carrying the Ocean Energy and breathing in the Sun as we flowed. I feel that The Ocean is like a primordial womb of sorts, and as we watch the Sun as it rises in the mornings it can be seen reflecting through this great Ocean; yes? Often as I watch the morning sunsets it seems that the Sun actually emerges out of the Ocean. This light of the Sun brings nourishment to the Ocean, its creatures, and the Earth. The Ocean metaphorically like Reality, births itself from within itself, and this self subsequently brings nourishment to its Catalyzing Intelligence. If we use our imaginations a little we can maybe envision that just as the Sun brings new light to time, the energies of 999 and the Mayan Calendar are calling us to bring new light to our realities or rather embrace their majesty as they rise within our waking moments.

As the class ended I took a quick trip to the beach and jumped into the Ocean which is always profoundly soothing to my Spirit. As I looked at the Sun reaching mid sky, and gave thanks to the Ocean for her energies, I had this intense feeling or drive to visit a local Chinese Spiritual Store where I always find cool things to treat myself on special occasions. Feeling that today will be the day I will get the news that my move is a “go ahead,” I figured to find a house warming gift to enhance the space and contribute to the fresh, new alignment of energies. On the way there I was receiving messages (from my guides/angels) to look for things that represent the ocean, flow, growth, & change. As I pulled up to the store the image of Quan Yin popped into my Vision, so I knew to look for something representing her energy which is very womb like, protective, and likened to a Divine Mother (all which relate to a home). Her name loosely translates to “she who hears and answers all prayers,” and in metaphysical realms she is known as the Goddess of Compassion. It would seem perhaps that this is connected to what I sensed intuitively this morning about my new space and the upcoming meeting and how the prayers which I’ve been sending out to the Universe have been “answered.” As I walked into the store I was immediately drawn to the plants’ section and a bamboo baby plant literally called to me. Lo and behold the price was $9.99! Plants represent many things including growth, and transformation which like a Vision, dream or desire need the proper nourishment to grow. The peculiar thing about this plant was that it was the only one of its kind, the smallest one in size as well as being the only one sitting “housed” in a pot. I immediately felt the representation of how this plant being housed in a pot as a baby perhaps was more affirmation that my Vision has been birthed, and me the plant am literally “already in (housed).”

Continuing to the back of the store I felt there was still something more to find, seeing as I did not yet encounter any Quan Yin merchandise. As I reached the back of the store where they have statues and angels, I was drawn to a statue of Archangel Gabriel who was dressed almost identically to an angel I saw in the movie “Angels in America,” just yesterday. Then I looked at the price and you guessed it, it read $3.99 (equals 3)!! That’s another direct hit on the energies of 999. Beyond that, during the last month of edits on my book I received a large painting of Archangel Gabriel who helps with the completion of books as one of her/his tasks of assistance. Gabriel is known as the “messenger” angel, who helps with Clarity in understanding visions and intuition, helps parents with new conception (birthing) and is the only Archangel which is depicted in art and literature as a female. This is more reinforcement correlating with the Ocean’s womb, Quan Yin’s compassion, and the nurturance that is normally associated with the female archetype. In the right hand of this statue is a white rose. The funny thing about this is I have been wanting to buy One White Long Stem Rose for the last two weeks for “no apparent reason.” It seems that the image of this flower and its draw was a clue to what laid ahead for me on this very magical day! Picking up the statue I went around the latter side of the store, and there shining like the Golden Image of the Sun was a small Artistic rendition of Quan Yin! Around her head was the Aura of the Sun, as she stands on a pedestal of an Open Lotus Flower which in Buddhist tradition represents enlightenment and transformation. The image in its stunning Gold reflective makeup was the Final stamp on this amazing morning.

Leaving the store I felt an unexplainable warmth within my Spirit as the energies of this day began to unfold within my being and the Love of my angels and guides bathed me in wonderful clues and affirmations of what is to come as the day evolves within this moment.

I felt compelled to share this story which is but one example of many synchronicities which has become the flow of my life. Feel free to check out my facebook page ( where I've posted pictures of the statue, painting and plant which were the guiding lights of this story. Perhaps as you continue forth on your day you will begin looking for the clues and guidance from your angels/guides, and the Divine Intelligence of Reality as you communicate through yourself the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking of yourself. Herein you may discover not only new and deeper Insight into your Intuitions and those things you have been desiring to create in your life, but may very well stumble upon a great Miracle in Love. As you move Open To All Possibilities within Pure Unconditional Love, remain detached from any particular outcome. That which is meant to be will; all in alignment. Enjoy this breath, enjoy this moment, and enjoy this Great Love that travels through the totality of your Being. Breathe consciously, move gently and Embrace all that you have asked for in your Life. It is here, on so many levels!

Life in its simplicity is but a Dream revealed through your Imagination. As you allow your inner child to remember that its ok to play and to believe in your Dreams, indeed you may become the main character of a movie most believe is only played out in fantasy on the Big Screen. But what if the visions you see in your mind and through your heart are the “Big Screen” that you’re watching as your fantasy unfolds, all the while as you play as the main Star. As the old has been released and the Flow of Love increased, be it to the known the greater realizations of all things unknown. No longer a mystery, your imagination has revealed the Infinite Oscillations of those things now unconcealed.

Be Free as you Open Up; to New Beginnings.

Thank you. Namaste.

Rev. Nick Byrd

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What do you Want in Life? Really?

What do you Want in Life? Really?

Where does fear rule your life? Where do addictions to old thoughts or unfilled desires keep you cemented in a quest to prove something to yourself? To prove that “I get everything I want?” Or that “No one can tell me what to do, or that I can’t do something” sort of energy? In life we so often find that the opportunities we ask for come to us likened to an “all you can eat buffet.” If you want a black pair of shoes for $30 you’ll probably find them somewhere for $20, or if you’re looking for a two bedroom condo a block from the beach, you’ll find one right on the water in an area better than you’d imagined for yourself. These synchronicities are blessings that reveal to us the greater powers we hold within our positions here on the Earth, within our Spirits and co-creative potentials within the hologram of Reality; Love; Divine Intelligence/God. The questions and focus we should hold lays not in questioning whether or not we can get what we want, but raising our consciousness enough to a greater understanding in discovery asking ourselves “Is what I want, the best thing for me?” Anything we desire we get; it is Natural Law, all in alignment.

Within this frequency, we find that there are measures a Master must take to reflect in silence as to what in our lives and in our minds and imaginations that we want, are indeed those things that serve our Spirits and growth on all levels. Although every movement and every action, every thought and ever breath are the right paths one is to move through, we must also understand that there are vibrations likened to a musical scale that reveal to us those states of being which connect us through Love to our Homes; Within. And then there are those vibrations which keep us stagnant within the illusions of movement or lower our vibrations pulling us farther “away” from the Truth of Love that resonates within us all. This pull thus pushing those things that connect us to the Peace, Bliss, and Joy off of a ledge that doesn’t exist, making them seem as unreal as the fears, pains, and injustices are in a moment to you as real. Do you see? Sometimes the steak, lobster, and spicy fried food that Mr. X so enjoys and desires perhaps may not be the best path or course of action to take seeing as he’s had two double bypass heart surgeries in the last 5 years. Or to the compulsive gambler who follows his “hunches & feelings” once every 1st of the month as he places all his money on the same #5 black roulette square at the casino, only to lose again and again finding himself without food or the peace that comes through taking care of his responsibilities.

There comes a time that each on their path begins to ask questions; and then there is that instance they embark on asking the right questions. For when we ask the right questions we begin to receive the right answers. But when we ask for answers, we must be open enough in love, setting our egos aside to receive the guidance we have asked for. For it serves the gambler no good if he has asked for and been given ideas by friends, family, and other professionals (gamblers) as to how maybe gambling on different squares would change his “luck,” or budgeting his funds to say only spending half the rent money could be better for him, or even having enough courage to bypass the casino altogether this time around; only to find himself at the casino on the 1st of next month penniless once again. Or to Mr. X after the doctors prescribe him a new diet to recoup and maintain a new level of health that he has so willingly asked for proclaiming: “I’ll never do that again,” finds himself following his 2nd bypass surgery traveling straight to the greasiest fast food joint he can find, and gobbles down 4 burgers, 3 sets of fries, and 1 case of fried chicken wings with extra, extra hot sauce. Do you see now?

If we already know everything, then why do we continue re-cycling the same emotions and experiences? And if we know everything and we are truly happy, why do we continue asking ourselves for something different? The answer is found within the question itself. It is because we know everything; and perhaps the facades of presence we often put up to tell the world "we are all right," are thin shells and screens hiding a not so hidden state of unhappiness calling out from a cracked window. Only you know, and only you can determine the degree of true happiness you have accepted and will accept. And to this degree, the value of your True Presence in Love.

To truly know something, we must be open enough to know nothing. For the ego this is hard, because it operates on survival and what is known. So it, only to maintain its security and peace (although its often not peace at all), will accept only the experiences that it has traveled through before, as "real" and "valid" experiences or paradigms. If the grass is always greener on the other side, then this is what a person will accept and believe until the day they realize that the grass can only become greener from within. Yes? If an individual moving through ego has only known a member of the opposite sex to be untrustworthy, then by law through their acceptance, this will become again. So it is to the day their Eye becomes clear enough through self reflection and new knowledge (perhaps a suggestion from a friend, or a direct “chance” experience) that will beckon a transformation of what they know, now; through a new first hand experience. Do you see, now? How can a baby walk without taking its first step, or how could man have ever reached the venues of flight without first imagining that they could fly; and then experiment until the experience became manifest? These unknowns became known first in mind through a thought, and then translated into the physical realm of existence. We may not always know how we will fly, but if we believe that it is possible and are open enough to allow its presence into our lives, voila! We taste the gentle cool of the clouds in motion; indeed.

To become everything, we must know nothing; and in knowing nothing, we allow ourselves to truly know all things.

And here these expressions of consciousness become known as Love. They become known as Self.

As we begin to love ourselves through deeper and deeper expressions within self moving out of feeling as victims to some persistent cycles that seemingly “happen to us;” we start to understand that these events have but been chosen by us, through us. The gambler although following his intuition and passion which are both driving forces of Creation, may perhaps discover that his intuition can become clearer, and his passions redirected; or revealed through quiet contemplation why they are his passions in the first place. In this he may truly clarify in a moment if indeed this is a passion or an addiction, or if his intuition in relation to gambling is but a programmed response placed in motion based on a collection of past (known) experiences and his current belief system. Many times we too find that we’ve given so much emotional energy to a relationship, or an unfulfilled desire or dream, that our ego in its deluded stubbornness will not give it up until it is “gotten.” This often leads to an endless quest of a “never achieved” notion which is followed by guilt, low self esteem or senses of abandonment by experience or relationship; person or thought. Or if the sought desire is finally attained through sheer will, a long struggle and process, found here often becomes a disappointment which is rooted in and as a result of unfilled expectations, attachments, and a simple recognition that this thing wasn’t really what you wanted in the first place. We find that the process to attain this “thing” was but a means to an end to experience fulfillment. Is this Love? Or rather is this the type of Love that you truly know within yourself; inherently? Truthfully?

We discover that no “thing” can fulfill us but that substance which is found within. It is as intangible as the sky, but as presently tangible as your Breath. Is the sky not the Breath? Yes? A paradox like many movements within physical experience, but a moment which may be known in Peace and Love to those who perceive it as such; Love.

Building on the concepts of “no-thing,” we see that no lover creates your sensuality and passion; this but comes from within your own heart and mind. Although they can share in and catalyze or enhance this vibration, and journey through the sheer magic of the Kundalini Fire in all of its wonders of expression and blessing, it exists not in them outside in the world, but within you, inside of your-self. As one follows the deluded process of outward searching and verification, things become less and less about meaning and more and more about attaining. Its like the professional athlete who loses the love and passion for his sport because he never achieves a championship. Do you see? The love and passion don’t come from the trophy or title of being a Champion, it comes from the Love that is cultivated from within; the appreciation, and the joy. Here all athletes shall forever be known as Champions, for the moment of action is fulfillment, not the subsequent result; win or loss. Although the ego would not accept this, Love gently reveals this fine Truth. This is how true love is re-kindled, and why many who journeyed away from their true passions, find themselves re-aligning to them coming out of re-tire-ment as the fulfillment of the Love of just being in the moment of their Passions is remembered once again. Many relationships between souls flow through this energy of pursue and achieve, command and conquer where the emotions one feels are not genuine vibrations of Love, but have become masked delusions of an ego conquest. And then upon separation one asks: “Why is this happening to me again!?”

If we kick a ball, it moves; normally. Once we kick the ball and know it moves, it is a registered “fact” within the subjectivity of our reality. It becomes a re-enforced known for the subconscious mind which will now re-create this over and over in your mind and reality until a new known is discovered. And what is a new known? First there is new information presented (new knowledge), and then through courage there is experimentation. Once a new experience occurs, your current reality and belief is either enhanced by a new variable adding to its strength and versatility, or released to the wind as this new experience presents a different reality more aligned to the life you have been working to realize. Do you see? So the ball we’ve kicked 1000 times will be expected to move the 1001st time as we step up to its presence once again. But on this day, the ball that we normally kick isn’t a normal ball, it doesn’t act the way we expect it to act. It is cemented on a stick in the ground, and as we kick it, it does not move. Now in the brain a new variable is added. The ball we knew no longer always moves when kicked. Yes? Here we find an infinite amount of new courses of action that one may take in reference to the ball; in perception and new experience. Simply use your imagination and many will be revealed.

So in relationships with our internal realities we must begin to take a deeper look with courage into the movements of our thoughts, intentions, addictions, and set paradigms. Like water, or an empty slate we must each travel flowing and open to new experiences. For if the door we have knocked on continues to be closed, or the street we normally take has potholes that we have so willingly run over for so long of which have been slowly deteriorating our modes of transportation, what harm would come of taking a new direction? Perhaps the fear of the unknown is overwhelming, or perhaps we shall try and convince ourselves that the potholes will fix themselves. But a Master, will know that he may purchase cement to repair the potholes, or find a new route and direction. The key here in his choice is not which direction he chooses to go, but the intention behind the direction of his consciousness; his movement; his awareness. And if like a worn pair of shoes whose soles have burned down beyond repair, and the road and potholes do not stay filled, the Natural Intelligence of Spirit would but seem to be guiding him to a new road; in a new direction.

But to Know Spirit in a deeper sense and the symbols and guidance that flow through in Clarity, we must become silent enough to see them. We are all powerful intuitives and all One in and as this Great Spirit, but the potency of probability and our abilities to co-create and/or envision and understand the frequencies we so desire to become through our free-will do but make themselves more readily accessible through an Open Heart, Open Mind, and Open Connection to God/Divine Intelligence/Spirit. Metaphorically speaking, Spirit (consciousness) is likened to a Sniper awaiting with finger on trigger to hit a target. As seen in the tandem union of a Sniper and Navigator, we through our Vision and Imagination communicate the coordinates as Navigator to Sniper. This role for we are One, is indeed directly interchangeable as we as Spirit pull the trigger from the Navigations given within self. But the important thing to know is that the Clarity and Accuracy of the Sniper hitting his mark will be but as Clear as the Communication and Vision of the Navigator. This here revealed lays the importance and true paramount presence of a Conscious Connection from One to One. Indeed, the best Sniper teams, or any greatly efficient and successful team or relationship for that matter are most often collectively known and referenced as acting as One Mind, One Body, or One Being. Beyond coincidence, this reflection is but one of many symbolic clues to the Greater Presence of our Union and movements within Love.

As we slow down our breathing, and quiet our minds, we shall forever attune to the facets of True Mind. Here in this Mind, we no longer shall encounter the delusions of a reality cemented in limitation and addiction, but rather embrace the Infinite resonance of our Limitless Love. Now, take a look at your life, and ask yourself:

“What do I really want?”

And So It Is.

© Copyright Rev. Nick Byrd 2009