Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Infinite Breath Of Knowing

Greetings! Or should I say "Welcome Back?"

As the leaves change color, and the gentle mist of the freshly tinctured Air wets our palettes with its cool breath, we like the Earth are "turning over a new leaf;" quite literally.

With the Great Transitions many of us are currently experiencing in our lives on a plethora of levels including professionally, socially, economically, Spiritually, and within our own Hearts and our relationships with "self," there is a profound opportunity present.

The Present.

Whether you've made choices that bring joy to your face, or done a few "bone-headed" things that you'd like to take a "mulligan" or hit the "reset button" on, we should recognize the great gifts that can be found within each; Action.

Yes! Be proud of every decision you've ever taken action on, because you took action. You valued yourself enough to do "something."

And sometimes we will find that the greatest action is the actual non-action. The doing without doing; the simplicity of Being.


As the Harvest of this change of Season Brings with it the Energy of Prosperity, Nourishment of the healthy seeds we've planted, and Celebration for all of our output, let's allow ourselves the Self-Love to indeed; Celebrate and En-joy what is Present. Let's take these great parcels of Cosmic Seed that are each New Breath, and Celebrate the Allowance of Input.


So often in our realities we feel great guilt, disapointment, frustration, and impatience because the things we often think we want as a part of our life do not come when we want them to or how. But, as to the Wisdom of the Breath we Breathe, if we Surrender to the Moment, what we 'need' will be provided for us.

We All Breathe.

Release, Let Go, and Breathe. If for only One Breath, become conscious of the Air that fills your being.

Inhalation; Exhalation.

Input; Output.

Perhaps there is more to the Air than Empty Space. Perhaps, if we allow the Breath to Speak to us, it can show us everything we need to know.


So as you move forward in Synergy with the Earth, the Stars, and the Rhythms of your Natural Intelligence, keep breathing; for the Air that fills us with Love, will bring to us the Ease and Grace of Clear Decision as we make Incisions through Time.

Trust that there is Something that cools you; something that warms you, and something that gives you Life; Nourishment.

Whether this something for you is M/F God, Spirit, Artificial Intelligence, or Other, know that it will provide for you without your asking. For it is You; the Breath. And as centered through Heart, the Love and Security that come through Knowing that "Everything will work out," will release the old baggage of the past and the phantom weights of the Future.


Be Aware though, that to truly hear the Wisdom of this Translucence, we must make the Time to Listen. We must take the time to Be. You need not eyes, nor ears, nor hands, toes, fingers or feet to feel this.

Just Breathe; through your Heart, and you will Know.

You will know the Transcendence of one's need to Know.

There is only Now; within it the Infinite Breath of Knowing.

Blessings to your Moment; Love as your Breath,

Rev. Nick Byrd
Target Healing, LLC.

For more information about Rev. Byrd, his work, and To Read Free Previews from His Published Book 'Through The Looking Glass,' visit the link below.


Through The Looking Glass: 111 Daily Meditations and Insights on Love:

A Philosophy, A Truth, A Science of Mind


The Book is Currently Available For Purchase In-Store and Online at Barnes and Noble,, and as both a Soft Cover and E-book.


Image & Content Copyright © Rev. Nick Byrd 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Greetings family. We each have a voice that flows through from the depths of our being; a love, a vibrance, and a personal truth. So often our words go unspoken, simply traveling through the confines of our individual minds. In essence we are all One Consciousness, One Love, One Dream, and One thought; One Reality.

There have been so many magical movements through the imagination that I call my waking dream here in what we term our "reality;" and the voice that resonates the Love of what IS has found itself breaking free of the limitations of a well tempered cocoon, with the extensions of a new set of wings; or perhaps simply a remembrance of their station within my being.

I invite you to share in the Love and philosohpy that travels through my heart and yours as you voyage through the evolution of a moment. This blog is an inspired movement to share my own personal realizations which have completely transformed my entire reality over the last four years through remembering simple concepts rooted in Peace, Joy, Harmony, Unity, and Unconditional Love. The times we are living in now beyond the illusions of time itself are a very special collection of fractal moments. Within this hologram of Love that we flow, the movements of consciousness; of self are at a pivotal instance of catalyst. We each have the opportunity to remember such simple truths of Love that when understood and applied may completely transform every paradigm we hold of what we thought the world was.

As we rediscover what this Love truly is, our World shall reflect it in due time as to a mirror once foggy, now Clear through Vision and Eye. No matter what your religion or belief system, through Love of All in its purest form, we can grow as One. Reality in its limited understandings is but a subjective movement of vitality. But perhaps the day is near that a greater Truth shall be known consciously as we all begin to Breathe again.

To view the posts, simply click on the Month and Article title you'd like to read which are listed to your right under Blog Archives. Enjoy the postings on this blog; accept that which resonates with your heart, and allow all else to gently flow away. I speak not to convince anyone or to cure anything, for there is no one to convince and no illness to be cured. I simply share the movements of my mind, heart, and soul to you as gesture of my Infinite Love for All. Whether we journey together through the great paradoxical laws and nature found in quantum physics, embrace new understandings of our emotions, energy and consciousness, or travel to the distant stars within our internal Universe, we will each have the opportunity to stretch our imaginations, reveal deeper expressions of Love, and accept the greater potentials that exist within us all. Feel free to comment on the posts and share in your personal insights and experiences as we flow on our Journey through Target Healing together as One. Be blessed, vibrant, prosperous, and You! Be Love.


Rev. Nick Byrd